We take entrepreneurs with sustainable business models to the next level.

Since 8 years. Let's get started.

Join Voltage today

We are Voltage.
The venture builder for

B2B tech

Voltage offers you

Coaching & Capital

Expert coaching and access to growth capital

Venture Studio

Venture studio for operational product and company development

Customer Network

Get access to a network of B2B clients to validate your pilot project


Co-Founders Matching ensures the best chances of success

Individual approach
Network among SMEs
+7 years of experience in venture building

Sign up today as Voltage founder

Every startup is unique, and the right foundations must be laid for subsequent growth, especially in the initial phases.

Our approach? As a strong partner from medium-sized companies, we offer exceptional entrepreneurs tailor-made support. And you keep the helm in your hands.

Sign up now

Who trusts us:

Our track record speaks for itself:


Start-ups built




Digital products developed


Innovation projects carried out

Expert coaching and access to growth capital

Venture studio for operational product and company development

B2B customer access to test MVPs with a strong SME network

Co-Founders Matching ensures the best chances of success

Sign up today as Voltage founder

Every start-up is unique, especially in the early stages where the right foundations for future growth must be laid.

Our approach? As a strong partner from the SME sector, we offer exceptional entrepreneurs tailored support, letting you stay in control.

Apply to join Voltage

Who trusts us:

Build your business with us:


Operational Support

Receive comprehensive operational, technical, and strategic support from our dedicated Venture Studio team. We will guide you through product development and collaborate to tailor your business model for scalability.


Access to B2B customers

Develop your MVP with direct access to hidden champions and an extensive network of medium-sized German companies. Validate your product with invaluable feedback from top B2B customers in your industry.


Expert Support

Benefit from long-term strategic advice, investment sparring, and decision support. Our training programs in B2B sales, business modeling, and product development will equip you with the essential skills for success.


Co-founder Search

Find co-founders within our studio team or through our extensive network. We'll connect you with individuals who share your vision and complement your strengths.


Network of Experts

Join our network of industry experts, sustainability specialists, startup mentors, and companies. Our connections provide you with valuable knowledge and opportunities.


Reliable Partnership and Guarantees

Receive a monthly stipend of €2,000 to cover your basic living expenses, allowing you to fully focus on building your business.


Access to funding

Gain access to our business angels and VCs. We’ll assist you in refining your pitch and offer investment in your seed round on founder-friendly terms to ensure your long-term success.


Modern and Comfortable Office Space

Enjoy free office space in our spacious Berlin office, located in the heart of Prenzlauer Berg. Collaborate with fellow innovators in a dynamic and inspiring environment.

Become a Voltage Founder

Would you like to make your idea a reality? Are you looking for an experienced partner to take the first steps? Apply today and join Voltage.

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What to expect from Voltage:

Our studio team will help you validate and scale your idea:

We are an experienced, cross-functional venture team of 20 people with business, tech and design expertise.

Together, we'll turn your idea into your company.

Your main venture studio partners:

Data Scientist

With a background in civil engineering, Christian has worked on statistical modeling and machine learning projects in the dairy industry, HVAC industry, and construction.

Venture Developer

Venture architect with a background in business innovation, sustainability enthusiast and expert in data-based hypothesis testing.

Front-End Engineer

With ten years of experience, Franziska specializes in interface development and customized web and mobile experiences using a modern tech stack.

Voltage focus areas

(CO2 Reduction, Prevention and Capture)

Technologies to reduce, prevent and capture CO2 emissions.


Innovative food production, reducing food waste, and improving food availability and efficiency along the entire food supply chain.

Water Supply

Efficient use and reuse of water resources, innovative solutions to improve water quality and protect water ecosystems to ensure a sustainable water supply.


Optimization of manufacturing processes, e.g. use of resources or minimization of waste production in the manufacturing process.

Your Own Topic

Apply with your own B2B tech start-up idea to make a significant contribution to creating positive effects on the planet.